I came home from visiting the Mansion residents around 5 p.m., Maria has been sick – looks like food poisoning – and in bed for most of the day.
I taught my writing class this morning, then went shopping for flowers and gifts to bring the residents. It was icy and raining all day.
I talked to the class about the Bedlam Farm Writer’s and Poet’s Workshop, all of my students are doing a joint reading on February 9th at 2 p.m. at the Battenkill Book Store on Main Street in Cambridge (518 677 2515), N.Y. I’ll be reading a bit from the next book, “Gus and Red” as well.
They’ll each be presenting short offerings of their poems andĀ essays, this is the first public reading my workshop has ever had, this class is going into it’s fifth year with me, they are extraordinary – Rachel Barlow, Caroline Ashton, Amy Herring, Sandy Van Dyk, Susan Popper, Jen Baker-Porazinski, Caroline Smith, will all be there.
Thanks to Connie Brooks for agreeing to host this reading, I can tellĀ you their work is very special. Three will read from their published books of poems. A wonderful day for them, for me.
The public is very much invited. I hope some people in the area can come.
When I pulled into the driveway, I looked up to see that the skies were clearing at last, and there was a beautiful sunset of a color I don’t remember seeing.
I didn’t have my big camera with me, so I pulled out my Iphone X and ran out into the pasture to try to get a wide view. Mother Earth was in a good mood, she gave me some beautiful light and I thank her.
Wow, Jon. Another stunning photograph.
Another mastery in color and composition. Magic how the colors of the browns in foreground march steadily and arise gloriously towards the wonderful sky colors. I particularly like the march through the purples of the hills. Lovely, again, Jon. Thanks for the free sharing. Are the colors you achieve due to lens, filters, your great eye and probably more? Maybe this question poses technical answers best not shared with others???? Like grandmas favorite recipe perhaps.
If so, apologies. I won’t ask the question again, but I am most curious.
Vella, I appreciate your curiosity, but I never use filters, and only occasionally do post-production. This phone was taken with an Iphone X camera, no special lenses or filters of any kind. Photography is not a technical art with me, I go stricly from the heart, if I see something that touches me, like that sky, I just take the photo.