4 January

We’re Throwing A Party For The Mansion

by Jon Katz

Thanks to your enthusiastic support, I figured out several ways to help the Mansion residents as the facility struggles to make repairs on the roof and plumbing and bring the residents back, hopefully over the weekend.

I’ve offered to sponsor a celebration and Homecoming Party when everyone gets back, hopefully by Sunday, surely by Wednesday. Kassi, the Mansion Director was enthusiastic about the idea, so are the aides.

The residents have been clamoring for Chinese food for some time, so we’ll order take-out from the town’s only Chinese restaurant. We’ll also hire a singer or a band to bring some music to the party.

I think this will help ground the residents on their return, and calm everyone down. They are all eager to get back “home,” as they put it, and they are deserving of a party to celebrate.

It also gives them something to look forward to. They love parties and celebrations. This was a very hard week for them, I’m going back to see them in their temporary homes this afternoon.

I felt good about our visit yesterday, I think it mattered.

As of Friday, state health officials have not yet given the OK to bring everyone back, but that decision seems very close.

I’m also learning of the specific needs and interests that the residents might have, there was some damage in some of the rooms. I’m trying to get hold of some flowers and some special stuffed animals.

I think they will need some attention for a while, I know some need clothing and some personal items. I want to make everyone is whole and settled. The Mansion will take care of all the big stuff, like the roof, I’m looking for the holes between the cracks and the personal things that really matter.

Your contributions make all the difference, and thanks. If anyone wishes to contribute to  Mansion support,  you can do so via Paypal, [email protected] (please mention “Mansion,” and also by sending a check to Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.)

Thank you so much. I am glad to be able to do this, it will really help the residents and the staff. They had a hard week, but they can celebrate getting through it.


  1. Jon,

    I appreciate your entries about the Mansion. My husband is in the hospital and will probably go to an assisted living when he recovers. I feel better about that decision after reading about the Mansion and hope we can find a caring place like it.

  2. Hi Jon,
    Thank you for being my link yo the Mansion. I just learned about your blog and read some of your entries yesterday. My Mom is a new resident at the Mansion and settling in quite well. Her name is Barbara. I don’t think her room was effected by the water damage. My sister and I met you a few days after she moved in late October. Reading your blog helps me feel connected to my Mom, even though I am over 600 miles away in NC. I will be in NY in 10 days. I will reintroduce myself when I see you again.

  3. You are a bright light to all the Mansion residents, Jon. So perceptively thoughtful…….. it makes my heart happy. The comfort you try to bring them is so needed, and I know, much appreciated and welcomed
    Susan M

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