28 December

Fate Tried. Why We Love Fate

by Jon Katz

As many of you know, Fate loves to be around the sheep, but she doesn’t care to herd the sheep. She seems to lack the aggressive part of the herding instinct, even though she hails from Wales, she is the Ferdinand of Border Collies.

I have accepted this about Fate, she is a sweet and independent soul, she does things her way and loves every day of life. She is a wonderful and perfect companion for Maria, the two are pagan creatures who love to haunt the woods.

Karen Thompson, the very wonderful human and breeder who gave us Red and Fate, thinks I screwed up Fate’s training, and Karen knows her stuff. Knowing Fate, I think it’s a bit more complicated, she lacks that border collie drive to challenge and control the sheep.

It may be my fault, but it isn’t hers. She is a wonderful dog and we are very happy and lucky to have her. But she is unusual.

This morning, it was pouring and while Maria came out of the barn with the morning hay, I went with Red and Fate to contain the sheep in the Pole Barn until things got sorted out. It was icy and slippery and we needed to protect Maria from a charging mob of sheep.

I had Red sit back in a lie down – not fighting with sheep for him now – and Fate, to my surprise, took up the task and walked right up to the sheep and gave them a withering eye. I was impressed, even excited.

But Susie had other ideas, she gave Fate a withering look right back and just walked out of the Pole Barn – although slowly – and towards the feeder. The other sheep just walked right past her one by one but in an order way.

Fate seemed nonplussed at this rebellion, and then Red got up and walked behind her to her left, and the sheep went skittering back into the barn. Fate stood her ground, very proud of herself, and I showered her with praise.

Fate may be short on prey drive, but she has  a great heart.

She puffed up like a Border Collie balloon.

She tried.

We love Fate.


  1. This vignette served as my morning laugh. I absolutely adore Fate and sheep stories and videos. I want to BE Fate–to love what I do with boundless love and abandon. I totally respect Red’s seriousness. Lord knows we need those who really get the job done. But to see Fate running her circles round and round the sheep is fantastic. I think she is gleefully saying, “See! See! This is really fun! And see how well I can keep these sheep in. their tight little pack! Golly, I could do this all day!” And she could if you let her! Oh, how I love all your dogs for each of their unique, lovable qualities. And I know that is half the fun you have with them.


  2. As a teacher I can relate to this. You either develop the teacher “look” or you don’t. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad teacher. You’ll just need to rely on other means of herd control.

  3. The important thing, to me, is that Fate tried! Can’t help loving that dog. She has to be who she is all the time.

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