27 December

The Mansion: First Stop For Red, Tia

by Jon Katz
Red And Tia

Red has a lot of girlfriends, but Tia is up at the top of the list. Tia is a Mansion aide, and when we come into the Mansion – Red and I went this afternoon – Red veers off into the office looking for her.

Red is popular in the Mansion office, it isn’t unusual to see him in a circle of love, being hugged and patted from all sides. He loves it. But I can tell that Tia and he have a special connection, and I can see why.

Tia has a big heart and an open easy way, and Red always reacts to that, he is the same way.

Tomorrow at 2:30, Maria and I and  Red are going to the Mansion to host a Karaoke Christmas sing, hopefully some carols. Until Red gets sick, I sometimes forget the impact he has had on my life and the lives of other people.

Red likes a lot of people, but Tia is a friend.

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