27 December

Bedlam Music: Photo For Sale

by Jon Katz

So once again, I am getting a lot of messages telling me a photo is stunning,  and evocative. I am flattered and humbled, I don’t hear those words every day, it is sweet music to me, I love my photography very much and work hard at it.

So I’m offering this for sale now available for $125 plus $6 shipping,  on Maria’s Etsy Shop.

It has helped me to heal and to see the world in a new and different way. My goal is emotion and light, I only take pictures that stir some kind of emotion in me, and I believe there is emotion in some of my good photos.

I think there is emotion in this one, I call it “Bedlam Music” because it sings to me of morning and hope and the beauty of the earth and sky. The Apple tree, speaking of emotion, is always a wonderful element in many of my special photos. Something about that view, it is the same background as the Morning Path photo, just from a different angle and without the stone path.

So this photo, too, is for sale, along with Morning Path, I’ve sold 24 prints of that picture this week. Both photos are for sale for $125, plus $6 shopping, it will be printed in an 8.5 x 12.5 format unframed on the highest quality parchment (rag) paper. The prints will all be signed by me, and $6.

The printing is done by The Image Loft of Manchester, Vt. the favored printer of art photographers in this area, they do remarkable work, and I can no longer stand to have my photos printed anywhere else.

This is the lowest I can sell these photos for without losing money or making so little money it isn’t worth the time and work. We all agree that smaller prints would throw the perspective out of whack in these photos, which are usually, landscape photos with a wide lens.

So it’s up on the Etsy Shop, and Morning Mist, below, will remain on sale, also in the Etsy Shop.

I thank you very much for liking my photographs, the thought of them hanging on people’s walls definitely lifts my soul. Below, Morning Mist, also for sale for $125.


    1. Thanks Susan, no, I’ve decided against a calendar, to print the photos right would cost too much money. I think the best way to sell art photography is to just make it well and sell as cheaply as possible. THese two photos would lose all of their magic and character in a glossy calendar, printed poorly, as most of them are.It would also undercut the value of these photos. I thank you for asking, th ough.

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