26 December

One Hour “Talking To Animals” Show Today

by Jon Katz

Call us: 866 406 9286. Today, December 26, one to three p.m. or e-mail me questions: [email protected]

Today is my weekly radio show, “Talking To Animals,” on WBTNAM1370. We’re only doing one hour today, one to two p.m. Thomas has some rough dental work to do this afternoon, no way to move his appointment.

And I can’t work those boards by myself.

I have a lot of stuff to talk about today – attachment theory (why we love the dogs we do) and the most common training mistakes. As always you can e-mail me – [email protected] – before, during or after the broadcast,  I will read your questions on the air and talk about them.

This is the popular path for shy people or for those who can’t get through. WBTN’s phone system works, but it dates from the Korean War. Some people have no trouble getting through, some people get through in a flash.

I love to take your calls, we are good to one another on this program. I am loving your stories told in your voices.

If you are in our listening area, you can call 802 442-1010, if not the number is 866 406 9286. Some people have figured out that you can call on either number, something I didn’t know.

If you want to hear the show live, and don’t live near the signal, which is the case for most people, there are two good options: you can live stream the broadcast, or an even better choice, download a free radio app like Simple Radio. The reception is great anywhere there is Wi-Fi. WBTNAm, 1370.

You can also  listen to our podcast by going to WBTNAm.US. Be sure to download it first.

E-mailing me during the broadcast works well, I’m finding. I monitor the phone during the program, we can even go back and forth.  I love to hear from people about how my suggestions pan out. Your own words are always compelling and revealing. So do e-mail me or call if you can, 866 406 9286.

I look forward to hearing you in any form you choose, I want to hear your stories and share them with others.  That’s why I’m doing this.

I also want to help a struggling community radio station. In the Corporate Nation, community radio is desperately important. You can contribute to the station here or by purchasing a one-hour Golden Leash Sponsorship, which costs $25 per hour.

We will mention you or your dog or cause on the air, and it looks like we are building a pretty substantial audience, at least from my e-mail. We have gotten calls from all over the country.

You  can purchase an hour online here,  through Paypal, or send a check to WBTNAM, 407 Harwood Hill, Bennington, Vt., 05201 or call 802 442 – 6321. An hour is $25. You can also buy a gift card on the WBTN Amazon Wish List.

On community radio, each listener is a big shot, this kind of radio is all about you. So take advantage of it. Unlike Fox News or CNN, we really do want to hear from you.

I am learning a lot about dogs but also about the new technology that makes it possible for me to broadcast everywhere from anywhere. If the station ever tosses me out, I can set up a Web Cam and broadcast from my office. That would be cool, and I know how to do it now.

But I am very happy working at WBTN with the Maestro, Thomas Toscano. We click together. Talk with you soon, I hope. We have listeners in Europe and every part of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Remember, today’s program is only one hour, we are back to two hours next Wednesday, January 2.

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