23 December

The Bonfire Catches On

by Jon Katz

Maria and Fate stir the fire, it was slow to catch on, but roared for hours once it did. Maria spent much of the afternoon hauling dried wood out of the barn where we had been saving it.

For the ancients, and for much of human history, the Solstice was a time to celebrate the coming of winter, with a feast and fires and dancing. It was one last joyous time before the  harsh weather, and it also marked the beginning of longer days and more light.

Maria and I both love living here, but the dark days wear us down sometimes, we are drawn to color and light, and I suffer in particular when it is dark in late afternoon.

The longer days suggest Spring. We are ready for winter.


  1. Love your bonfire pictures, Jon. They remind me of the vacation cottage of my childhood. We had an outhouse and when we needed a new, ahem, “hole”, outhouses were no longer legal. We had an indoor bathroom installed and felt like kings. But what I remember best is tearing down the outhouse and having a spectacular bonfire that lasted for hours. It really is true that little things often make the sweetest memories.

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