22 December

The Winter Solstice Pillow. Solstice Dog.

by Jon Katz

Bud ate the soft blue pillow I used on my chair to take a nap or just listen to music. Maria surprised me yesterday by giving me a gift of a Solstice Pillow, with designs and symbols she stitched onto the front and the back.

Most of the symbols she drew are on the back side, I’ll take a picture of it later, it’s quite striking.

But entered into the spirit of the Winter Solstice in his own way.

I put it on my chair and when I came back in the room Bud – he doesn’t eat pillows any more – decided he liked it and took up position alongside. He is not allowed on furniture.

It’s a wonderful gift, I love being married to an artist.


  1. It certainly seems to me that your strategy of forcing Bud to lie on the furniture will break him of this habit. I mean, itโ€™s obvious he would rather be lying on the cold floor. Keep up the good work!

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