22 December

Christmas Spirit At The Dump: Bob, Fate And Bud

by Jon Katz

We took Fate and Bud to the town dump today, they are excited to see Bob, they trade hugs and kisses and biscuits and donuts, on a good day.

Bob is one of the peopleĀ  who has the Christmas spirit every day of the year, it is a part of his life and soul, not just something to trot out between shopping trips in December.

He is always ready to lend a hand, to carry a can, to hug the dogs, to give them treats, to say hello, to be warm and courteous. His is a generous spirit.

Since my open heart surgery (which I don’t know how he heard about), I have never been able to carry a garbage can from the car to the receptacle, he just ignores my claims that I can handle it.

Bob is not one of those people who has to be asked to do good. And his love of dogs is pure and powerful, as is there love for him. Dogs are among the world’s best readers of character and good energy.

Fate knew Bob first, but Bud has joined in with great enthusiasm.

That good energy radiates from Bob and he and the dogs had a special Christmas celebration today at the dump, a shower of wiggles, licks, and treats.

Merry Christmas to you Bob, you are really what Christmas is all about, from Christmas to Christmas and in between.


  1. While money helps relieve stress, it does not give us what Bob owns. An open true heart and the understanding each day is just simple service. From that comes contentment and peace. Even joy if we choose it.

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