20 December

My Christmas Miracle (And Yours?)

by Jon Katz

For me, this photograph embodies the idea of the Christmas Miracle, and also the idea of carrying out small acts of great kindness. Real action in the real world. Every day.

Jackie had given up reading, she told me there was no point in getting books or magazines. She was clear about it, but what kept nagging at me  was that she was able to see the bingo card if she leaned over and squinted.

So I kept at it, trying magnifying glasses, large print books and magazines. Nothing worked. Sometimes, Jackie, who was an  avid reader, listened to audio books and we all thought that was the end of it.

But it kept bugging me and I kept watching Jackie and talking to her, she is painfully shy and guarded, and I am always careful not to push her.

We did two months of trial and error, and the answer was always the same: “I can’t see it,” or “I can’t read it,” or “no thanks.” I am much more stubborn than smart, so I kept trawling around the Web looking for stands or magnifying glasses that might work.

Two weeks ago, I sat down with Jackie and my Iphone and we found this LED lighted magnifying glass with a stand. It was easy to assemble and install, although Jackie was wary of it.

I felt it was possible, I felt we had to figure it out, I couldn’t stand the idea of Jackie never reading again.

Today I brought two large print books – a novel and a some historical fiction about the Princess Anastasia. I brought them into Jackie’s room, put the lamp in the right position, turned the light on and handed her the books.

Silently, Jackie opened the Anastasia book – I could see the title caught her eye, she loves historical fiction. She just started reading. After a few minutes, I asked her if this worked.

“Yes, it’s fine” she said.  And she kept reading. I was thrilled, it seemed a Christmas miracle for me and perhaps for you the good people who sent money for me to buy the $89 lamp.

As I opened the door to leave, Jackie fully engaged with the book, I heard a thin, soft voice. “Thank you.” I could have cried.

–The Mansion is full of little miracles, and the Army Of Good makes them possible. This is your Christmas Miracle also.

If you wish to help me commit small acts of great kindness, you can contribute by clicking on the Support The Army Of Good button below, or by donating via Paypal, [email protected], or by sending check to Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

If you wanted to support my blog and photography, you send a contribution to the post office box above (call it “for blog”) or click here. Subscription payments or one-time donations in any amount are welcome. Thanks. I’m so happy about Jackie.

Tomorrow, Karaoke Christmas carols at the Mansion, 1 p.m.


  1. Thank YOU for facilitating those miracles! Your creativity and tenacity play a large role in these successes.
    Merry Christmas to you both.

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