19 December

Today’s Radio Show. Talking To Peoople

by Jon Katz

(Thomas Toscano, The Boss)

We broadcast my radio show today, “Talking To Animals.” I realize as I do this show that the thing I most love about it is Talking To People.

I loved talking with Kendra, high up in the mountains of New Mexico, worried about one of her dogs who enthusiastically eats poop. Kendra’s dog was kicked out of training class for this transgression, the trainer worried that she might turn the other dogs into poop-eaters.

I confess to being piqued at the trainer, aren’t trainers supposed to help with problems like that, not boot the problems out of school?

We had a long talk about the alternatives, from staying calm to using the dog spray Pet Corrector to changes in diet and the complex emotional responses dogs who eat poop bring out in human beings.

Kendra was smart and loving and determined. I’m betting on her.

Susan wanted to know about a Golden Retriever who is biting a five-month old baby, perhaps playfully, perhaps not. My rule is that any dog who puts teeth on a child for any reason is gone.

There are some things that cannot be tolerated or rationalized, not if you look at the horrifying statistics about bites on the races of children in America.

Kevin sent me a moving e-mail about his dog Joey, whom he loves dearly and who means the world to him. How, he wondered, do I prepare for the death of dogs I dearly love. Kevin sent me an e-mail, he was listening to the show at work, I hope he calls me one day, I’d love to talk to him.

The discussion about poop flushed out a number of e-mailers, one of the neat things about the show is that more and more people are e-mailing me during the show, and responding to my comments in real time. That is cool, I love the feel of it.

People are calling us from all over the place, there is a stream of callers who manage to get through (866 406-9286). Try it, it mostly works.

I did a lot of research on dog training mistakes, but didn’t get time to get into it too thoroughly, I’ll pick it up next week. We will only be on for one hour next week, Wednesday, December 26th, the day after Christmas. Thomas has to go see the dentist about some teeth.

It is very comfortable sharing the show with Thomas, he is bright and  opinionated and interesting. Our side conversations are always interesting and different.

I am liking the  show very much. I especially love talking to callers, asking questions about their dogs and problems, listening to their stories.

I’m not sure where we are going with it, and I worry that the station is bleeding to death in the Corporate Era,  but I am working hard to make it work. I think it will. Thomas bought a new compressor for my microphone, I don’t have to eat it to be heard.

Check us out next week:  WBTMAM1370, you can  live stream the show or listen on a free radio app like Simple Radio. You can listen anywhere in the developed world.

You can hear a podcast of “Talking To Animals” by going to WBTNAM.US. Make sure to download the broadcast before listening.

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