19 December

Standoff: Red And Liam. Stand Your Ground

by Jon Katz

Red is on limited duty in the pasture – no running or outruns, but his nemesis, Liam, the grumpy wether, still challenges him and defies Red whenever he can.

When Red could run or move, he could keep Liam in line by dancing around him. Liam came over to challenge Red who was lying down as instructed.

Liam is sneaky, he’s butted Red more than once, Red has nipped him in the nose more than once.

I released Red from the lie-down and told him to “walk up” and he handled the rest. He might be limited in what he can do, but he stood his ground and backed Liam right back to where he needed to be – with the other sheep.

Red has an amazing and commanding presence around sheep. Injured or not, he’s not letting any wether push him around.

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