13 December

Son And Daughter: What Love Looks Like

by Jon Katz

I do remember that I was supposed to be on a three – day retreat to work on my book, but I got an offer I couldn’t refuse tonight, I was invited to the Mansion’s annual Christmas Party.

The gifts and decorations you sent were everywhere, and thank you but what really stood out for me was the  and sense of family I felt there tonight.

Diane’s son John came to the party, and the sight of Diane’s face when they hugged was alone worth the visit. This love is deep and pure.

Several of the Mansion aides came over to me and asked me to take a photo, it was something they all wanted to record and remember. I told John that he was welcome to take this photo off the blog, that is usually very good quality.

It was important for me to put this photo up, a lot of people wanted to see it. The sense of family always hovers over the Mansion, many of the people there have left their families behind and rarely see them.

Others stay close to their families and get  frequent visits. Many were there tonight. Some family members tell me it is sometimes just too painful for them to visit too often, especially if their mothers or fathers have memory issues.

It was very nice to see a lot family at the Mansion party (I got a gift book of poems we wrote together.). I sang some Christmas carols with the residents – and I’m much looking forward to the 28th, when we’ll have a Karaoke sing.

On Christmas morning,  Maria and I will come to read to the residents and help distribute cards and gifts,  and sing, probably all together with the Karaoke machine.

I felt the power of the holidays strongly tonight, and thanks to John for letting me take this photo and for loving his mother so much, and showing all of us what love looks like.

Diane really felt it tonight. I want to say that many visiting family members tonight sought me out to ask me to make sure to tell the Army Of Good how much they appreciate the things we are able to do for the Mansion residents.

Thank you, thank you.

(I’ve got to get online and buy some special sized bras tonight.)


  1. Lovely…and then you got me laughing at the idea of you bra shopping online. I’d love to be able to wrap my arms around my mother again. Precious.

  2. Jon, this is one of the most moving photographs you have ever taken. Just see the love in her eyes and the joy in his face. Thank you. With my family away in other parts of the country, this was like a Christmas gift to me and hope that one of my sons can come to visit soon. Thank you again.

  3. I appreciate you taking that photo of myself and my mom. It was an honor to be there with all my ma’s family. That was a heartfelt memory for sure and a picture there to show it…but I as well was glad to be a part of it . Thanks again Jon for the keepsake and thank you everyone at the Mansion; the Aides, Residents, friends, family, Santa, Mrs. Clause, the singers, the awesome food and the precious memory. I thank you all so much for making my mom a part of your family.

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