30 November

Red’s Update: Setback, My Fault, 11/30/18. Bingo.

by Jon Katz

A setback for Red yesterday and today, my fault.

I misunderstood our vet, Dr. Suzanne Fariello. She told me that the only exercise Red could have for a while would be running out runs in the side pasture with no sheep. She meant (she said) in the future, not in the next few days.

I misunderstood what she said and took Red out yesterday to run along the fences with Fate. This is often how I exercise the dogs on a busy or rainy day.

Red went out and started his outrun, and halfway across the field, I saw him start to hobble a bit, I called him off and he came and went to the back door, I saw him struggling as we can in the house.

He went to my study to lie down, and he wouldn’t take any food, I realized right away I had taken him out to soon. He has barely moved in 24 hours, although he has gotten up to go out with me.

I called Dr. Fariello and told her what happened and she told me to take Red out once or twice a day to eliminate, and otherwise, no exercise at all, no stairs, running, walks longer than a few years.

We upped the anti-inflammatory medication today, Red is very still, but does not show any outward signs of pain, although he never does. I’ll try feeding him later.

The episode reminded me how fragile Red is right now, and how seriously I have to take his rest over the next few days. He should be all right in a day or so, but it is step backwards, hopefully a short-lived one. And I need to write Dr. Fariello’s recommendations down.

From Red’s eyes, I would say he’s getting better. No Bingo at the Mansion for him tonight, the Mansion residents will be upset.

This week, Ruth and Wayne  asked if I could get them “matching” fanny packs, it seems they are spending a lot of time together. The fanny packs, one grey, one black, arrived today and I’ll bring them to Bingo.


  1. Do you really need a vet to tell you that a severely lame dog shouldn’t be doing “outruns without sheep” My god!

      1. Checking in on Red this morning and read the update followed by your snarky response to Barbara… have you/we learned anything on so many fronts this this week? World needs more love, positive energy, and humanity. Fracture spine/crawling on front paws does not equal outruns without sheep. Doesn’t add up…. Own it. Red is the kind of dog everyone would love to have… can’t read your blog anymore. Take care Red ♥️?♥️

        1. I love people who post snarky comments because they don’t like snarky comments. Be well, Holly, I’m sure you will find a blog you like. Take Barbara with you. (I’m curious, why not just leave, why announce it with a huff?)

        2. Thank you for the kind send off Jon… I usually wouldn’t respond back and just drift away but want to make you certain of my intent. Your posts regarding Red and sharing your spiritual growth this week were heart wrenching, raw and transformational. When you site great philosophic writers like Thoreau, Emerson and Merton and St Francis, all of who experienced some degree of public scrutiny…your response to Barbara to me seemed so contradictory. Everybody makes mistakes and I am the first to admit it but it is in the gracious acceptance of criticism that creates harmony in the world. I do apologize that I hurt your feelings… as for Barbara she is not a pesty mosquito in the night but one who deserves a thoughtful response to understand we are all different. More understanding and less tribalism… all the best to you, Maria and your animal kingdom full of light and love… you are blessed to be surrounded by such gifts.

          1. Thanks Holly, for your candor. I do not agree with you that Barbara’s post was either thoughtful or deserves a civil response. She was simply jeering at me for making a mistake, and did so in a cruel and thoughtless way. People like that poison the open spaces of the Internet, to jeer at someone who made a painful mistake and harmed an animal help is neither thoughtful nor civil. It’s simply nasty. I don’t care to have people like that on my sight, we talk to one another in a civil, not cruel way, or try to. It was not an effort at empathy or compassion, it does not help Red in any way, there was absolutely nothing thoughtful about it. Your original response to it was not, in my mind, much better. It’s usually a waste of time to communicate with self-righteous people storming off in a huff. Thanks for the good words. I appreciate your honest, an returning the favor, take care.

    1. Do you really need to voice an opinion that Jon has already acknowledged as a mistake on his part? Sometimes when dealing with animals in our life, we make decisions either based on the dog in front of us, OR what we think our vet says..mistakes happen all the time, even from vets sometimes..it is just plain rude and combative to write like this. I only reply with my opinion because I was appalled to see this..I am not speaking for anyone but myself, Jon Katz is more than capable of writing for himself as you can see..

      1. Christina, Barbara is one of what I call the Nasty People on the Internet, who wait to pounce on people for one reason or another. Taking her too seriously would be another mistake, she may be one of those people who never make mistakes. I am not one of those people. I appreciate your note.

  2. Sorry to hear this, Jon. It’s easy to misunderstand the vet (or doctor) when you’re worried and probably sleep-deprived. Take some deep breaths and find the calm at your centre.

  3. I have been to the vet’s enough to know EXACTLY how this can happen – a lot of info can be exchanged, and I have missed important stuff! (such as insulin dosing, and almost killed our cat, so, it happens!!) It’s why I like to have my Hubs with me, to hear what I can’t hear, and same for him, so I can hear what he doesn’t. Not always possible to tag team, so, yep, I have had to write it down. And for God’s sake, you meant well, and are allowed to make mistakes.

    1. I make mistakes all the time Karla, this will surely not be the last, and I hope I am always strong enough to admit it.

  4. Dear Jon, my name is Jay West, live on Cape Cod and am 78. I have been fortunate to have had 4 Brittany’s over a fifty year period. They live a long time and never slow down. Land is scarce on Cape Cod, but fortunately I have six acres where my Britts can run and I can marvel at their speed, all the while with their noses to the ground. Just a quick background so you know I’ve had some life, like all of us, good and bad…but that’s life. To the point: After having the Britts, there have been three I had to put down, my latest is a little devil, she’s a year and a half old. Jon, all of us are different, but, I hope I get this right what I remember us, my dogs and I knew, when jt was time to let go, just as you are doing. YOU AND RED WII KNOW WHEN IT IS TIME. ‘Nuff said, No reply necessary. Regards, Jay West

  5. I know you have a huge and loving heart and Red is your great pal. Having worked in vet medicine for years is seems to me that at this age and stage of Reds life his running days are behind him. I think dogs adjust well to change and if his life is slower here on out he will still be very happy. His love for you and his life means more than herding sheep. I could be wrong but this my belief. I have never seen a dog with serious back problems be able to run freely again but they do not mind at all. Old dogs are a gift and so fun to pamper and enjoy. thanks for all you do for others

    1. Susan, Red has had serious back problems for years,ever since he was stomped by our pony..He has always come back to run again, and his vet and I believe he will this time as well. It doesn’t bother me at all if Red doesn’t herd sheep, his therapy work is alive and well. But I think he will be herding sheep in a couple of weeks. I won’t push him to do that, but I have no doubt about. At some point, we’ll stop.

  6. We, lovers of companion animals, just do the best we can in nursing our sick/ailing animals. It is not easy. Peace and light Jon and Red.

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