29 November

The New RISSE Wish List

by Jon Katz

Thanks so much for supporting the new RISSE Amazon Wish List, it is long and revealing, in itself a window into the great need of the refugees and immigrants who have come to America in search of a meaningful new life and found themselves instead in the middle of an awful controversy about their very right to be here.

I was touched to see that one of the items listed are 15 new shorts for the soccer team, now back under the sponsorship of RISSE.

I could write a book about my tortuous relationship with RISSE, but I’d rather channel all of our energy and compassion into helping these children and their families directly.

I am grateful for the support you have the team, which desperately needed our support. They have uniforms and soccer balls now.

I hope RISSE will take good care of them this time around.

RISSE, the refugee and immigration center in Albany, N.Y., does a lot of good, and is the last and only refuge for so many of these people, struggling ot acclimate to a complex and expensive culture.

I begin every day with a donation to the RISSE Wish List, there are many inexpensive items there and I hope we can get the soccer team the shorts they need to play and also help the children  and their families get some desperately need winter clothes and underwear and and books and tools for learning.

Ali’s soccer team, a wonderful good work in itself, is now under the umbrella of  RISSE, I am happy to try to help them, they are wonderful people.

I am a fan of the wish lists, the money goes quickly and straight to where it is supposed to go, there are no go-betweens or administrators or board members in between. You know exactly what your money is doing.

The other Wish Lists we have worked to start, the Amazon Mansion Wish List,  has also been successful. The list is empty now, we’ve buzzed through it a dozen times.

I’ve also recommend a Wish List for WBTN, a community radio station where I do my “Talking To Animals” show every Wednesday.

I think the Army Of Good has had an enormous impact on the the way to contribute to good causes, all of our wish lists have been transformative.
We have helped little WBTN in quite a bit in just a few short weeks. They are in shock.

Small acts of great kindness all over the place.

You can choose what you wish to purchase, and how much money you want to spend. This is a very effective way to do good, I hope you will take a look.

The RISSE list was very successful when we first recommended it, then it stopped suddenly. I am grateful that RISSE is putting it up again.

The Army Of Good has supported these refugees from the first, and I will not ever give up on that direction. They haver never needed us more than now.

Next week, I am meeting with officials and students at a prestigious private school, they wish to join up with me and get at least one full scholarship for next year for one, perhaps even two, refugee students who are succeeding so brilliantly in the public school system.

I am urging them to join forces with me and my blog readers, they have  raised a considerable amount of money already. We can work together, and successfully, I think,  I’ll explain all of this when we meet.

I am focusing heavily on getting scholarships for some of these students, as we did for Sakler Moo. Thanks, as always, for your support. You can see the new RISSE list here.

It is so much better to do good that to argue about what good is.


  1. I read your blog at least once a day, sometimes more, and enjoy it very much. I think I am a contributor but not sure if it is active. I would like help to figure that out. I am sorry that you get so much unwanted advice because I have to wade through many, many paragraphs of a discussion about it before I can get to the main point of the post, such as finding our how Red is doing today, etc. As a longtime reader, I support and honor your position but grow weary of reading about it often and at length. It is like punishing the whole class for the transgressions of a few. Nonetheless, I am inspired and am learning from your blog. Thank you.

    1. Jo Ann, thanks for the note.

      I’m sorry to make you weary, but I am unapologetic for writing what I choose to write. If you are interested in following Red’s life, I’m afraid my writing and ideas and issues come along with it. Nothing in life is free. I appreciate your sugar-coating it, but your lament at having to “wade” through my writing is more honest. This is not a vet update site, I don’t do it for your convenience.

      Red is not here in this world on his own, or in a vacuum. Glad you are learning, but apparently not liking what I am teaching, which is, of course, your right. I am not seeing the inspiration. Thanks for expressing your weariness in a civil, if not direct, way. I don’t know how much of me I could take every day if I had a choice. But I fear this is your problem, not mine.

      Here, you get the good Katz and the bad Katz, all I can do is offer you the authentic one. Up to you whether you wish to read it or not, or find it a slog. I’ll keep writing what I feel I should write and want to write. Maybe you want some duck shoes. …Best, J

  2. Jon- This is for members of the AoG who might not be certain about ordering things from Amazon for the RISSE wish list. Last Sat. I went on the wish list and ordered 4 items to be shipped directly to RISSE. Since I used my Prime card there wasn’t a shipping fee. Three of the items were shipped together and the fourth was shipped the next day. All arrived on schedule and yesterday I received a note of thanks from someone at RISSE. Easy, peasy!
    Gentle hugs to Red, Fate and Bud-and to you and Maria.

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