28 November

Karaoke Comes To The Mansion

by Jon Katz

Today marked the official launch of the Karaoke Mansion project the longest and most technical project I have yet undertaken there.

It wasn’t that expensive, but it took a couple of months to research Karaoke, find the right machine for the Mansion residents, make sure it passed all of the stringent safety requirements, make sure the screen was big enough, the sound loud enough, and also to figure out how to work it and get the right CD’s and music.

I had never done Karaoke or seen it live.

It was worth it. There was so much emotion in the room, the music had a profound effect on the residents, they felt it in their hearts, souls and bones.

This wasn’t just some music they sat and listened to, this was something they could participate in, sing along with, clap and close their eyes to.

For some, it brought back many memories, for others it was a chance to “wake up,” as they put it,  and raises their voices to the world.

I’ve never seen Sylvie join in song before, she came over to sit with me and sing together. Madeline is a rock star, she’s a former actor and singer from New York City, she has memory issues, but none involving music.

It meant a lot to me to see those faces, those claps, that laughter, those smiles, and some tears. Madeline invited me to sing “Someday Over The Rainbow” with here, and most of the time, you could never  get me to sing on a video or any other medium.

We are going to the Mansion on Christmas morning to sing Karaoke Christmas carols with the residents.

Thanks to Lo Ann, and Carolyn and Mary for helping out, they are their very own Army Of Good.

It was a pleasure today, my own heart sang. Come along.



  1. What a truly lovely thing to do for these residents..Christmas morning will also be very special I am sure..I think perhaps dancing will be next.. wink.

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