28 November

Good Energy

by Jon Katz

This week, I am reminded once again of the meaning and power of energy, both good and bad.

Maria is a source of good energy, so is Red, when the two are together, there is much light and color all around. I am just beginning to learn about good energy, many hundreds, if not thousands of people send Red good energy this week with their messages, thoughts, prayers and just plain old good wishes.

If you turn on the news, you can see the toxic and devastating power of bad energy. If you were me, this week, watching this purely good creature hang on by a thread, then it was very different.

I found myself living in a stream of good energy, it just came pouring through the computer, even  through Facebook and social media, where the energy is not always good.

I could feel it this week, I am sure that Red felt it also. I saw and could tough it in this photo of Maria comforting Red, the energy that came here from so many of you was healing and powerful and inspiring.

This is the real power to heal the world and the broken people who sometimes seem bent on destroying it. I am a believer, I am a follower, I am a disciple.

Thanks so much. There is such a thing as good energy, and it works. And it matters. It is humbling for me, I can see that Red deserves it, I have never felt that I deserve it.

Hope trails in its wake wherever it goes.


  1. He’s on my mind everyday. And I sent him some healing mojo. He’s so special. And you do deserve go mojo to and I’m sending that your way. Blessings.

  2. So many of us out here following who don’t necessarily comment, and we’re pulling for Red too! Thank you for all that you do and for sharing your journey with all of us. I have loved your books and now thoroughly enjoy your blog. Be well.

  3. I have been checking in regularly to look for updates. I want to add my good wishes, concern and positive energy as you continue along this journey with your dear Red.

  4. This is the real power, indeed, Jon. It’s all about love. I used to think that was just a mere platitude – it’s not, especially when it’s followed with loving actions.

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