26 November

Helping Red, Honoring Red. Turning It To Good

by Jon Katz

If I’ve learned anything over the past few years, it’s that darkness can be turned into light, that suffering and sorrow can be turned into good, and doing good is the most healing and grounding thing I have known.

Red and I have spent a long hard night together, I slept for a while, but couldn’t sleep for long, and then got up to sit with him by the fire.

As always, he struggled to be close to me, but this time it was so  hard for him to get there. So I went to  him. It was a beautiful time.

I wasn’t quite alone, there was Maria of course, and then a stream of messages and good wishes and thoughts for Red. But I won’t lie to you, it was a long night.

I sat up with Red and wondered how to channel this energy into helping Red’s struggle, and also to honor, support and continue his work no matter what happens.

It was Red that led me into my current therapy work, Red who was the mascot for the soccer team, Red who brought me into the Mansion and taught me so much about acceptance and tolerance.

Honestly, it was Red who helped me understand how to do it well. He is so unfailingly generous and accepting. Anger and hatred are not known to him.

I got scores of messages all night asking me what can be done for Red, how can people help him, honor him.  I was surprised, then stumped for a while, but it was comforting to think of that as Red and I sat together in the dark.

Then I began to see some answers. What is the Army Of Good all about, after all, if not learning how to channel sadness into good.

How could I bring this wonderful energy to Red, how can I try to turn this darkness into light, recycle it into good.

And this is what came to me.  I know how to do this by now. This is what Red means.

You can bring Red your good and loving energy on this important day for him, you can honor his work, you can send uplifting and positive feelings out into the world, you can make a statement about love and compassion.

One way is to simply hold Red in the light, that is the Quaker way. If there really is such a thing as good and healing energy – I have learned that there is – send some to Red.

Another way is to support the new RISSE Amazon Wish List. The list was halted for several months (I don’t know why) and at my request, it has suddenly reappeared. A sign, perhaps.

Refugee children and their families need support in the most urgent and direct ways now, and Red is all about empathy and compassion.

There are many inexpensive things on this list,  you can send a powerful signal to the world by taking a look and seeing if there isn’t something you can send these children and their struggling families.

They have suffered so much, and now, coming to America, they must struggle again.

I wrote about this on Friday, here is what I wrote.

My experience with RISSE was in some ways a testament to the smallness and failure of human beings. The resurgent Wish List is a symbol of our humanity, as Red is a symbol of love.

I hope Red will be back at the Mansion this week, but if not, I intend to keep his work going, with me, with Bud.

You can support Red’s work at the Mansion by sending a small donation to the Mansion Fund, c/o Jon Katz. P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816 or by Paypal, [email protected].

You can also use the Support the Army Of Good button at the bottom of this post to use credit cards or Paypal. I think small one-time donations would be the most appropriate, that was always the idea – lots of people sending small amounts.

Donations in any amount are welcome, and will be used well and in a transparent way.

Good thoughts are just as welcome. I am committed to this idea of challenging darkness into light, anger into good, frustration and fear into empathy.

There is no better symbol of this than Red, no better way for his good works to continue.


    1. Hmm, I think I choose more Red and the Mansion and less you, Ruth. This might not be the best place for you. In fact, I can guarantee it, you won’t be happy here.

  1. If thoughts and prayers can send any good energy Red’s way, they are both coming from me. I know that you and your vet will do whatever is best for Red.

  2. I am definitely sending Red and the rest of you my best light! He and the work he has done with you, Jon, is about so much more than what’s visible to the eyes of your readers. He’s touched and is touching so many lives thru your Red posts. I’m hoping to see that he heals and can continue his therapy work.

  3. I want to be part of your Army of good. After a year of unemployment I can now once again participate. I so enjoy your blog and your generous spirit! Sending Red good vibes!

  4. I woke during the night and my thoughts went to you, Maria and dear Red and I prayed. I am holding you in the light. Much love.

  5. Dear Jon & Maria,

    Yes, Maria, too, as she also loves Red as her lovely face often demonstrates in your portraits.
    Beautiful Red. I am hoping and wishing and, yes, praying for his recovery. A truly exceptional and rare dog.

    Best wishes,
    Fran Brummer (& my sister, Marion Hayward, is definitely watching and loving us all from Heaven)

  6. It is saddening to hear that Red is still struggling. You and he have done much good. I am keeping all of you in prayers in the the hope that Red’s work and yours with him is not done yet. What is more important is to find the cause of his problems and, hopefully, restore him to health.

  7. I will hold red in the light of healing energy and will pray for all of you. It seems like I know Red from your books. Send love and light energy his way.

  8. I am holding Red in Light as you suggested. I also went on Amazon last Sat. and picked 4 items from the RISSE wish list. Three of them will be delivered directly to RISSE today and the 4th is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

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