22 November

Watching The Macy’s Parade

by Jon Katz

There was a small group of people in the Mansion Activities Room this morning, they had gathered to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in New York City.

Ruth and Wayne, sat up front, Alice and Ellen were on the couch. Ellen didn’t feel well, she went to her room to lie down, Allan eventually came in to sit in his favorite green reading chair.

Almost everyone else at the Mansion had left to go spend the day with their families – for some it was a long ride – or were in their rooms getting ready.

I remember taking my daughter Emma to the Macy’s Parade when she was  very young, this is the first time I’ve seen it in a long time. It had been Disneyfied and was colorful and somewhat bland, I thought.

The residents loved it, they watched it intently. Red went from one resident to another, and after a half hour or so, we went up and down the hallways to say hello and wish everybody a happy holiday.

The Mansion always makes me grateful for my life, and grateful for the Army Of Good, who make it possible for me to do so much of this work (we cleaned out another Amazon Mansion Wish List last night).

I am scheduled to do a Christmas Morning reading the Mansion, I am looking forward to it. Maybe some singing, too.


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