21 November

Today On The Radio: Dog Bites, Supporters, Thanks…

by Jon Katz

Thanks for supporting the WBTN Amazon Wish List to help rebuild a worthy community radio station – one of the goals of this program.  They are broke and antiquated, but full of hope. This is people’s radio, the anti-thesis of the corporate behemoths ravaging our civic culture. There is one more item left on the Wish List (aside from gift cards, which are always there), that is an urgently needed portable hard drive to store programming and production information. It cost $69). And Happy Thanksgiving.

I’ve been researching two things this week for my radio show today, “Talking To Animals.” One is the number of dog bites reported in America, up more than 60 per cent in recent  years.

We’ll talk about why this is happening. We’ll take calls and discuss anything you want to ask about – 866 406 9286.

There are dogs that kill people and dogs that bite people – two different but still surprising statistics.

Also today we will begin honoring the names and causes of our “Golden Leash Supporters.” The good people who are sending $25 (some are buying monthly spots) to support an hour of “Talking To Animals” get to dedicate the hour to any cause or animal they like. You can send that money here.

It will take a couple of weeks to fully catch up – the list is growing. Thomas Toscano, “The Maestro” will be joining me, as always. So will Red.

We will mention your name and/or the animal or cause or person you would like us to mention. So farm, more than $400 in “Golden Leash” support, and thanks.

You can live stream my show today (Wednesday) between one and three p.m. Just click here. To hear a podcast of the show, go to WBTNAM.US and download “Talking To Animals.” You can also listen to the broadcast using a free radio app available online or on the Apple App Store. I use Simple Radio, you can hear the show anywhere.

I understand this is a busy day, a travel day for many, but if you can, call us at 866 406 9286 or if you live close by, 802 442 1010. You can also e-mail me your questions – [email protected] – and I will read them and discuss them on the broadcast.

Thanks for all our support.

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