21 November

“Talking To Animals:” Thanksgiving Eve

by Jon Katz

We had the sixth (or seventh) broadcast of “Talking To Animals” on Thanksgiving Eve. We were not  expecting any calls at all, but we got several, one from California, one from the Canadian border, one from the Midwest.

We talked about the epidemic in dog bites, the temperament of weasels, mites and ticks, vegan diets, the eternal conflict between science and holistic alternatives to medicine.

I read off the testimonials and honors from the many good people who purchased “Golden Leash Support”  hours of the broadcast – more than $400 worth so far.

If you wish to be a “Golden Leash” supporter, you can send the station $25 on Paypal, or mail them a check to “Golden Leash Supporter,” 407 Harwood Hill, Bennington, Vt., 05201.

You can add your animal or cause to your letter or  e-mail me any specific wishes for people, causes or animals that  you wish me to mention: [email protected].

You can also e-mail [email protected] and tell her what you want us to say. And thanks.

I enjoyed this broadcast, we continue to have technical problems with my voice fading in and out at times, Thomas says I just have to stay close to the microphone, but if I stay any closer, I’ll swallow it. We’ll get there.

News of the show is beginning to spread, I’ll be on next Wednesday (WBTNAM 1370) from one to three, feel free to e-mail me any questions you have relating to dogs and other pets or animals: jon@bedlamfarm.

If you can’t call, I will read them on the air.

Thanks so much for our support of me, your animals and community radio.


  1. Hi Jon, The microphone is probably a directional mic. If you are turning your head off axis your voice will fade in volume.
    Try moving the mic closer so you don’t have to be thinking about it a lot.

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