20 November

Red And Summer: Mansion Colleagues

by Jon Katz

Red and Summer first met over a year ago, when the Army Of Good paid for Summer to be spayed and immunized before the doctors would permit her to live in the Mansion.

When Summer first saw Red,she was sitting on the Mansion porch, she frozen, then backed off the porch. Red walked right by her without even glancing her way. Red is all business when it comes to his therapy or work, or any kind of work.

Over time, Summer and Red seemed to work out a kind of silent agreement that animals like dogs and cats can sometimes reach with one another. Summer gradually relaxed around, now he can walk right past her or step right over her.

She is often found in the hallways waiting for a door to open so she can go downstairs to sleep with Winnie, who loves cats and keeps food and water on the floor for Summer, who has a number of warm beds she sleeps in.

Summer is fattening up on all the food left for her. Red, blessedly, doesn’t take food unless you count the crumbs left on the dining room floor.

I am intrigued by the professional relationship between these two, both are working animals loved by the Mansion residents, both offer much comfort and connection.

Today, I came upstairs after bringing Winnie a “comfort cat” to her room downstairs. On the way up, Winnie was sitting at the top of the stairs, Red came up and walked right past her, then turned around to wait for me, as he always does.

The two sat watching one another for a moment, and then Summer just got up and walked right past Red and out into the hallway. Red never moved. I like to think of the two of them as colleagues, they each have their role to play, and they each respect the other and keep out of each other’s  way.

I would say they have become friends, they are quite at ease with each other. Two professionals, it seems to me. I liked this shot.

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