30 October

Wed: one to 3 p.m. Turn On The Radio

by Jon Katz

Wednesday means my radio show, “Talking To Animals” on tiny but heroic Community Radio Station WBTNAM1370. The broadcast is on live between one and three p.m.

You can live stream it here. You can play the podcast of the show here. (WBTNAM.US)  You can also get any general radio app on the Apple App Store for free and listen to the show that way.

I use Simple Radio.

You can also call the show. It’s Halloween tomorrow, but we are anything but scary.

As many good people learned last week, you may get a busy signal. The station’s communications system are quite old, and it can’t put callers on  hold.

I’m sorry about that, but there’s no simple or early fix.

WBTN is not corporate radio. It is a struggling small community radio station  hanging on by a thread that needs my support and your support, if you decide to give it. We are hoping to re-build the stations infrastructure, but that will take a lot of time and cost a lot of money.

I thank you for cleaning out the Amazon WBTN Wish List we set up last week. You  went through it three times, and have given the station the priceless gift of a central production computer, along with scotch tape, Post-its, headsets and desk organizers.


If you wish to speak to me live, and I hope you do, there are two ways to do that. If you live in the listening area, you can call 802 442-1010. If you live anywhere else in the country or overseas (we got a call from Trieste, Italy, last week), you can call 866 406-9286.

You can also e-mail me during the broadcast – jon@bedlamfarm.com – and I will check my phone for questions and try to answer them. I have about 20 great questions printed out and I will try to get to them in the first half hour of the show, unless the phones ring off the hook.

You can also e-mail me questions any time,  during the broadcast or later,  I keep them in a folder and will get to them as soon as I can.

As always Thomas Toscano, the station’s executive director and man of all things, will be on the broadcast with me, he will be talking and manning the elaborate controls.

I signed up to do this broadcast in support of Community Radio – a cause close to my heart – and for my love of animals. They deserve a thoughtful, civil and useful program about animals.

I don’t know of one.

I want the show to be what it was last week, a thoughtful exchange about animals and their care and training. We need calls to do that. But the equipment is unpredictable – the phones were down completely just before I went on the air last week.

The show is a safe and unhurried, non-frantic place to talk about animals. We are good to each other, there is no shouting or arguing.

This week, I hope to talk about stewardship, training obstinate and difficult dogs, the challenge of choosing a dog wisely.

I am happy reading questions if that works, the e-mailed questions are thoughtful and useful as well.

So check it out. If you’re up to it, try to call. If not, listen or send me comments and questions. 866 406-9286, jon@bedlamfarm.com.

Audio: An invitation

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