29 October

Yarn For Sale! Coat Of A Thousand Colors

by Jon Katz
Coat Of A Thousand Colors

Yesterday, we went to the Vermont Fiber Mill to pick up the yarn from our sheep, Maria has shaken things up this time and added a lot of amazing colors to her yard. Last night, it went on sale on her Etsy Page, and the colored yard is flying fast.

You can check out the page here. The skeins are $25 plus shipping. The blue and red skeins are nearly gone already. This is why we have sheep, and we love this ancient ritual, it helps us to know why we love being on our farm.

This is where clothes used to come from. See the wool here, I wouldn’t wait too long if you want some. The new colors are a delight to look at, especially as November approaches and things turn a bit cold and darker.

Maria is on a roll, she is making one good decision after another, in her life, in her art. Maybe it’s the belly dancing.

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