29 October

Gift Cards Coming, And Thanks

by Jon Katz
Gift Cards Coming

Today I ordered the 13 $50 Amazon Gift Cards that I wrote about two weeks ago. They will be her by the end of the week, and I’ll gift them to Kasse, the acting Mansion Director, to distribute to the Mansion aides whenever she chooses.

I thank you for your support.

They are meant as a thank you and recognition to the aides who work so hard all year to care for the residents, and who are so faithful and loving in their word. I’m also getting them some more engraved pens – they all need pens – these are also styluses for using in phones and tablets, and are engraved with the inscription: “To Our Better Angels, The Mansion Aides.”

They are coming shortly. I’ll take photos.

The Mansion is a Medicaid facility, and as such, some of the residents have little money to spare. This week, I replaced the parakeet who died several weeks ago.

I  got six pairs of underwear for residents who needed new underwear, and four sweatshirts so that some of the residents can go outside in the cold. I ordered two pairs of walking shoes for residents whose shoes are worn.

We got flowers and a teddy bear for Joan, recovering from an injury at a nearby nursing home.

I am still raising some funds to give to residents who want to chose inexpensive gifts for other residents and aides who have been helpful to them. The residents are grateful for the idea and are already giving me lists of gifts they want to buy for people.

And two other residents have requested comfort dolls. They cost about $100   each.

People without money can easily lose their dignity and sense of belonging, they need to give as well as received.

If you wish to support this work, you can do so by sending your donations – small ones are just as welcome as big ones – to me, Jon Katz. P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected].

I’d like to see a few hundred more dollars in the Mansion account, especially as the holidays are approaching.

It would be great to send homemade decorations and small gifts for the Mansion Christmas Party, as the Army Of Good has been doing for a couple of years now. Those are wonderful parties and the residents look forward to them.

The residents love to receive your messages (some can’t reply to them).

Here is the latest approved list of residents who wish to receive your letters: Winnie, Ellen, Matt, Mary, Gerry, Sylvie, Diane, Alice, Jean, Madeline, Joan, Allan, Bill, Blanche, Helen, Peggie, Dottie, Tim, Jackie, Art, Guerda, Brenda, Wayne, Ruth.

And thanks.

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