28 October

Monday, Eye Surgery: The Better To See

by Jon Katz
The Better To See

Five or six months ago, the tops of letters in a book I was reading disappeared, I could only see the bottom half of the letters. An eye doctor diagnosed a serious retinal disease and I ended up having two rounds of laser surgery. They said this and some new medications could keep me from going blind, which almost always happened with this disorder until recently.

It seems I need at third round, at least, to reduce the swelling and keep it away from my retina, where it went before. If it gets in front of the retina, I’m in trouble.

For a photographer, and a blogger too, I don’t wish for this to happen. Some powerful eye drops have been the swelling back, we’re going to try to reduce it further.

So far, so good. My vision is excellent again, the plan is to try to keep it that way. I might need more surgeries, injections into the eye, other medications.

The surgery takes about three hours all told, it is usually not painful at all, but tiring. And I can’t see clearly for several hours. The way I see it, I am fortunate to have spotted this problem and gotten treated for it, it would not have been good to have waited or not noticed it.

And the tops of letters in books has returned. So off early – Maria is driving me – to get more surgery tomorrow. I’ll surface sometime in the afternoon. I hope to get some more photos of my eye.


  1. Good luck kiddo. It’s miraculous what they can do now. They snapped a couple of new cataracts into my eyes and I can see COLORS now ! It didn’t hurt me either … but just the thought of it scared me half to death. Getting wimpy in my old age.

  2. Isn’t it amazing what they can do for so many eye conditions that even 20 years ago would end in partial or total blindness? I’m extremely nearsighted and have serious astigmatism. In a few weeks they will take out a cataract and implant a lense that will correct my vision. 54 years of being legally blind and they are going to give me clear vision. I’m prone to retinal problems and the beginning of macular degeneration so I have to monitor my eyes too.
    Good luck tomorrow!

  3. Well Jon, blessings on you and on your surgeon this day. Your sight, vision, is so helpful for so many people, so the gift of fixing your vision could be amplified by the thousands who read your blogs regularly. I appreciate your observations nd writing about them. Best wishes for you and your family (animals included in family of course).
    Love to you this day Love, love, love the photos.

  4. Blessings on you and your surgeon today. Your vision, i.e. blog and photos, are so valued by the thousands of us who check in daiy. So fixing your vision to be ongoing feels like a blessing to me as well. Love to you and your extended animal friends and community of individuals we get to meet in your blog.

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