24 October

Turn On Your Radio Today. I’ll Be On At One

by Jon Katz

(Tommy Toscano, above, the resident wizard trying to get this radio station back on its feet.)

Today is the day for my two-hour radio broadcast, “Talking To Animals,” on Community Radio Station WBNTAm (1370) in Bennington, Vt. The show will be live-streamed everywhere in the country from one to three p.m.

They are working on a podcast.

I have a stackful of topics and questions so many of you have mailed in from all over the country. Good topics, all relating to dogs and pets and animals, their lives with us, their training, the latest research about them.

I’m hoping for some calls and conversations, although I have enough material to go twice as long. But I want it to be a conversation, not a monologue.

The first broadcast was flooded with calls, the second got one. This is going to be a struggle, I’m up for it.

If you live outside of the listening area,  you can call us at 866 406-9286. If you live inside of the listening area, call  802 442-1010. But do call if you can, that’s what will make the show tick.

Thanks for cleaning out the third WBNT Amazon Wish List, created at my suggestion, and supported by the Army Of Good. It works. You can stream the broadcast here.

I’m going to sit in the booth with Thomas “Maestro” Toscano, he is the Executive Director of WBNT.And the chief programmer, engineer, booker and  host.  I think he cleans up at night too.

I am a passionate supporter of community radio, the last voice of the people in a corporate world. Please come and listen to the show, and call if you can.

If not, e-mail me your questions for next week: [email protected]. The number to call is 406 406-9286.


  1. Jon, I must be doing something wrong as I cannot listen to your radio show. I downloaded the app you provided but it says I have to pay to use it? Any idea what I am doing wrong or does it cost to listen in? Thanks

    1. Rick, I just used it, there was no charge. But you can also go to the Apple App store and download “Simple Radio” or any other radio app and hear WBTN for free…

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