24 October

The Spirituality Of Donkeys

by Jon Katz
The Spirituality Of Donkeys

The ancient prophets believed that a dream about a donkey was a message from God. Donkeys have a long and rich spiritual history with artists, human beings and organized religion.

They are all over the Bible, and have been painted by famous artists for thousands of years. They are certainly the most spiritual animals I have ever known or lived with.

Donkeys have been used as working animals for at least 5,000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world today, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used as draught or pack animals.

As they are often worked harshly, they have learned over the years to be stubborn, shy away from people and work they mistrust.

They are wise, contemplative, independent, they have been with people for many thousands of years. They are hardy and easy to care for.

They know us well, and we are pleased to be able to give our donkeys – for much of the world still, the tractors of the farm. Donkeys often have hard lives, and they are careful of people.

We are blessed to have two donkeys, Lulu and Fanny, who are gentle and loving. I feel fortunate that we are able to give Lulu and Fanny good lives. They have free run of three different pastures, they take seriously their job of guarding the sheep and protecting the integrity of our farm.

Donkeys have a great and innate sense of humor, they do not ever take us too seriously, yet they know us, love and sense our every feeling. Our donkeys also need us, they need some attention from us every day, or they become restless.

But when, when their need for attention is sated, they go off on their own, and ignore us. They cannot be bribed, only satisfied. They are animals with integrity and pride. They miss nothing, and hear everything.

Donkeys have suffered at the hands of humans, it is a gift to be their steward, and give them easy lives with plenty of good and good shelter and some work to do.

I feel their spirituality whenever I look out and see them at peace, grazing together on the fading  grass. Today, some hay, the first of the new season. They have to do nothing for it but exist in peace with us.


  1. Wonderful donkey friends…I miss being with them. They definitely give more than they ask.
    Thanks for the reminders Jon.

    1. How old are Lulu and Fanny? Generally how long do donkeys live? You are very blessed to have those two wonderful animals!

  2. Hi Jon! Do you still have Simon? I always wanted to live on a farm and at my age now, I realize I probably will never experience it in this lifetime. Instead, I am now very grateful and content just to be able to read of your experiences at the farm with all the lovely animals, neighbours, greenspace and beautiful wife! It has been so rewarding for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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