24 October

Red In The Studio: WBTN Today

by Jon Katz
Red In The Studio

I never have enough words or the right words to describe what it means to me to have a dog like Red in my life, I will forever be grateful to the wonderful Dr. Karen Thompson for sending him to me.

I took this photo of Red today in the studio at WBTN, (notice Thomas Toscano in the window reflection.) Red has been on scores of radio  interviews with me, he has a genius for understanding where he is and what he needs to do.

The broadcast was two hours, and twice, did Red move. Once, to put his head on my knee during a commercial, when I leaned back to relax a bit, and the other time to go and put his head on Thomas Toscano’s knee to greet him during another break.

Otherwise, he never moved, made a sound, distracted me, or got restless in any way. For those of you who may listen to the broadcast in the future, please be mindful of Red, he is always with me, wherever I go, whatever I do.

I trust Red completely, he always understands where he is, and never interferes or disrupts. He is the most remarkable dog I have ever know, he is a spirit dog.

His spirit informs me, comforts me and inspires me. I thought I ought to post this photo to let people see where  Red is when I am on the radio.

He is a spirit dog for sure, there are very few boundaries in my life between him and me.

(Red and I will be back at WBTNAM next Wednesday between one and three p.m. If you live in the listening area, you can call 802 442-1010 or otherwise, 866 406 – 9286. You can live stream the broadcast by going to WBTAN.org, and clicking on the “live” button. You can hear a podcast of the show by going to WBTNAM.US, scrolling down, clicking on October 24, Talking To Animals.)

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