Last night, we let Bud sleep out of the crate for the first time, he is housebroken and has stopped marking furniture. At first, he hopped up into our bed, but I think we must have moved around a bit, which we do.
He jumped off the bed and went to Red’s bed by my side of the bed, and he just curled up next to him and went to sleep and spent most of the night there.
It was a very beautiful thing to see, Red has never let any other dog get that close to him, or share his bed. Fate never tried, Gus was quickly rebuffed.
But loves Red, and Red completely accepts him, even this close. This friendship has been powerful and grounding for Bud, and in ways I don’t quite understand, also important to Red.
He had no trouble chasing Fate or Gus off when they got to close, he has never snarled or barked or pushed Bud away. As much as anything, he has helped his little pal adjust to life her, after the difficult time he had before that.
It lifted my heart to see these two wonderful dogs curled up like that, each one getting something they need and want.
Love is the thing, for animals, for us. I must say I identify with Bud. I have always wanted a safe and peaceful place to lie, and I found one. I am so glad that he has also.
I have been hesitant to suggest this, for fear of being really “out there,” but I wonder if the similarity of coloring between Bud and Red could have anything to do with the relationship. While I have always been told that animals only see in black and white, still they must note the spacing/pattern of the black/white areas. Although now that I am saying this, I am realizing that neither Bud nor Red likely look in the mirror and have any idea that each of them has similar coloring. Okay, then, Never Mind!!! (but it’s sort of fun to think about, from OUR perspective!)
An interesting idea, Cathy, I’d love to think on that..its quite possible I suppose, and thanks..
I also have heard of dogs of similar coats sleeping together. When my collie breeder had multiple litters, the sable puppies even though from different litters slept with each other sometimes in grouping separated from their tri colored sibs. It occurred to me that Red is being a therapy dog to Bud. I just think Red is the most amazing dog.
What a great relationship. Very nice, very interesting story. Thank you.
What an amazing picture. It brought a smile to my face. It makes you wonder what goes through their minds They obviously found something in each other that they needed. How nice to see Red cuddled up with Bud, or visa versa.
Red looks sad to me in some of the pictures I see. Maybe it is this seriousness in him and his jobs.
I am glad Bud is doing so well and has connected with both Red and Fate.
PS. Did you ever receive the first picture of Bud I sent you. It was back during your Open House, it could of gotten missed. I will be happy to resend it if you would like.
Jan in Maine