23 October

Powerful Women: Maria And The Stunted Idea Of Beauty

by Jon Katz
Photo By Elodie Reed. Maria and Julz

A mutual friend told me a year or so ago that I would have to have a strong ego to accept the woman and person that Maria was becoming. I guess I must have a strong ego, because I love the woman Maria was, and is becoming.

She does seem to me to be getting stronger by the day – in  her art, in her writing, in her friendships, in her life, in our marriage. Sometimes, I told her tonight, she reminds me of a powerful train, steaming across the plains.

Her art is much-loved, her photography is an art into itself, she has just re-built her blog, put up an Etsy page,  become a videographer,  a belly dancer, started a Vulva movement online,  decided to die the wool she sells, become a strong and prolific writer, supports fellow artists, rethought our Open Houses.

And a reporter has just come to see her belly dancing class and take some photos.

She has boundless energy and gifts, and I understand that she is just beginning to reveal her strength. She and I have been on a long road together, and there is no place on the earth I would rather be or have been.

Maria is the greatest gift of my life, I am reminded of that that every day. The kind of love and respect I feel for her is a life-changer, and perhaps, a life saver.

I used to worry about what would happen to her if and when I died – I am older – but now, I fear mostly for anybody or anything that gets in the way of her.

Our relationship began with my showing her the photos I was taking all day, now she shows me beautiful photos and videos that quilts that she takes all day and makes all day. I love it beyond words when she comes to show me something. It’s quite amazing, and quite wonderful

She can take care of herself, for sure.

And now, she is becoming an accomplished belly dancer, a powerful thing in and of itself that she would not have dreamed of a couple of years ago, and that I never imagined.

I am no wallflower, but sometimes I feel as if I am standing still as she whizzes by, thinking of this doing that, starting this.

She used to dread writing every day, and now, she is simply writing all day, when she isn’t making art, which she does all day also.

I am eager to not be one of those men who is threatened in any way by a strong and independent and ascending woman or wife. Her growth and success only adds to me, it never diminishes me.

It is true that we are both competitive, but never once at the expense of one another.

And for all of my troubles and flaws, I am delighted to say that I am not one of those men who fears a strong woman, and will  never be one of those men. Fortunately, it’s already too late. I know these men when I see them, and there are a lot of men who do need to keep woman down, and in their place.

You can look at the news almost any day and see how frightened men are of powerful women, and how determined they are to bully and silence and diminish them. It is my intent to never stand with those kinds of men.

This week, Elodie Reed, a reporter for the Bennington Banner newspaper came to Maria’s belly dancing class and took some photos. Maria wrote about this on her blog today.

I think the piece would benefit any woman or man who read it.

“You know how it is,” Maria told the reporter, ” we’re supposed to be ashamed of our bellies. We’re made to feel bad about them, think they’re ugly if they’re not flat and tight.”

“And this is our power center I said, still waving my arm around. If you look at the Chakra’s, this is where our power is and we’re taught to hate that part of ourselves.”

Personally, Maria told Reed, belly dancing for her was a rebellion against the stunted idea of beauty, a rebellion against all the people in power who are trying to bully women into remaining silent and still trying to make them feel ashamed of their true strength and abilities.

Every time I dance, she said, she and feel herself getting stronger.

And I feel myself getting prouder.


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