19 October

Do Some Good! Save A Sweet Puppy’s Life Today

by Jon Katz

Volunteers from Friends Of Homeless Animals, the rescue group that saved Bud, are rushing to a shelter outside of Texas today to save the live of a four pound Chihuahua puppy that is four months old and weights 2.8 pounds.

Her owners took her to a vet and said they wanted to put her down because she seemed “scared” to them, but the vet said the dog was very sweet, her tail is almost always wagging, she happily takes treats.

The vet refused to euthanize Candy and turned her over to a shelter. The shelter workers love her.

Carol Johnson, my friend and contact at FOHA, says this is an endearing and adoptable dog. FOHA will take her to their vets and check her out in Arkansas. If you are interested in knowing more about this puppy, you can contact Carol Johnson, she is [email protected] or you can call her at 870 260-0032.

Carol says this happens all the time: rather than train a dog, people want to put the dog down.

Carol is honest and available. I am grateful to be more involved in saving the loves of dogs. FOHA seems to go after the most vulnerable and hopeless dogs.

Because of Gus and Bud, I am more sensitive of the needs of these abandoned small dogs, I will never give up border collies and hopefully, Labs, in my own life.

But the idea of saving dogs everyone has given up on appeals to me, Labs and border collies are often rescued quickly, these dogs are not. If  you’re in the mood to do good, contact Carol and think about adopting Candy, who everybody says is sweet and loving.

Living where she lived, I imagine she had good reason to be scared.

Update: The FOHA volunteer reports that Candy is both loveable and sweet, she rode on her lap all the way from the shelter to her home, wagging her tail, taking treats, loving to be touched. She didn’t seem very scared to her.

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