15 October


by Jon Katz

Bud welcomes you to the new bedlamfarm.com. Up and running.


  1. The new site looks great, Jon. I usually read your blog on my iPad (and will continue to do so), but I’m also very pleased with how much more attractive and readable it is on my iPhone. Congrats to the Mannix team—and to you for embracing change!

  2. Thank you Bud for welcoming us to the new Bedlam Farm.com ! It’s definitely easier on the eyes on my smartphone. And just letting you know, Bud, that you sure are very photogenic!

  3. Nice design. You might want to fix the grammar mistake on the Contact page—it should be “Maria and me,” not “Maria and I.” I realize that you scorn grammar when writing in th heat of the moment, but there’s no real reason not to fix errors on a public-facing web site.

  4. Looks fantastic! I read it on my iPad and iPhone and on the iPad the photos are just incredible! Love how easy it is to navigate, love the simplicity, the font, the new look. Love the new logo! Well worth the expense!

  5. Jon, your new blog format is spiffy indeed! I found myself smiling at the heading: seeing the sheep belly dancing, chicken reading and dog looking on. Beautifully colored, bold readable (love the larger font size). I don’t have one of those smart gadgets so will continue to read your blog every day on my computer along with my coffee. I miss the books site tho…enjoy reading things you’ve reccomended from time to time. Keep up the Army of Good works! Thank you. Bev

      1. I didn’t read your book site but have noticed when you talk about books and have ordered, read and enjoyed them!

  6. ThanksBud for welcoming us to the new bedland farm journal. You are very cute.I know you’ve only been there 2 wks but, you look like a natural.

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