15 October

SCRAMBLE! Peggie Heads To Cuba Tomorrow

by Jon Katz

Friday, an unnamed Angel surprised everyone by buying  passage for Peggie, a resident of the Mansion, a Medicaid Assisted Care Facility,  on a Caribbean Cruise headed for Cuba. Yes, Cuba.

Peggie accepted immediately – she didn’t blink – and touched off a scramble in the Mansion and in my world.

Peggie was desperate for a suitcase with wheels. It’s impossible for her to haul a big one around, and she has to fly to Florida to get on the cruise.

She had to have it by today, Monday, she leaves tomorrow, Tuesday on the cruise. I was headed for Wal-Mart when a friend, Susan Popper, offered to donate one of her suitcases, she says she doesn’t need it any more.

I rushed it over to the Mansion on Friday, but it got misplaced. I went over the morning and saw that Peggie didn’t have one, so we tracked it down in the Mansion and I brought it to her in her room.

Her pal Ruth was visiting with her, Ruth is sad that Peggie is going away, and sad about the loss of her husband Ken. I wonder if we could cheer her up. But that’ s another story. We just got Peggie some summer shirts, so that should work, and I’m checking to see if she has a wind jacket of some kind.

I don’t think she does, I can get one at a nearby Wal-Mart this afternoon.

I also asked  her if she had any money – none of my business really. She  told me how much she has, it is not enough. I’m going to give her some more.

This is a wonderful opportunity for Peggie, who has some painful health issues, she will have a blast – she loves to sing and dance – but it will be difficult for her. One of her daughters is going with her to help.

I’ll make sure she has what she needs. This is the best side of what we do, helping make things like this happen. I can’t offer any details about the Angel, but thanks to your for giving Peggie this wonderful opportunity.

It’s a remarkable gift, and frankly, I wouldn’t have thought to it, Peggie has a lot of health issues. But her spirit is very strong, and she has all kinds of energy, I’m very happy she’s going.

If you wish to support the Mansion Work, I’d appreciate the help. You can contribute by sending a payment to me, Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark your payment “The Mansion.”

And thanks. we have $600 in the special Mansion account. And I have enough money to get Peggie what she needs.

We keep things small and focused, we commit small acts of great kindness. Peggie’s Angel committed a big one.

Small donations are just as important as larger ones. We are doing good work, rather than arguing about what good work is.


  1. That is fabulous. So happy for Peggy. My Moms name was Peggy. She loved to travel as well. have a blast Peggy. Thank you Jon for helping to make this possible for this special lady.

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