15 October

Down To The Wire: Peggie Is Heading For Cuba!

by Jon Katz

It was high pressure do-gooding, an intense afternoon.

Three days ago, Peggie was offered a trip to Cuba with her daughter by an Angel with a big heart. She accepted, and Brittany and Kelly and Tia and the Mansion staff have been scrambling to get her ready – she needed clothes, luggage, doctor’s notes, medicine for travel, instructions.

I learned over the weekend that she didn’t  have a windbreaker jacket, she had no carrying bag or shoulder bag, she told me during Bingo that she had no suitcase with wheels, and she had to have one or she couldn’t go.

This was frightening her, as it was the weekend, and it could be hard to find the suitcase she needed.

When I asked her now much money she had for a trip to Cuba,  she told me shyly, and I said “Peggie, that is not enough.”

Her money, which had to last at the Mansion for the rest of the month as well as the weekend cruise, for the week-long cruise, wouldn’t have gotten her lunch in Cuba or in an airport.

I know the staff were dipping into their own pockets to help her, as they often do.

She was in a panic over finding a suitcase with wheels on short notice. She begged me to help.

The Mansion staff scrambled to take care of the medical stuff, I took up the rest. It was a defining moment for me and the Army Of Good. We were ready for a challenge, or not?

You know the answer, I live for this, as do you many of you.

A friend – Susan –  immediately donated  her suitcase with wheels, and I went online and quickly learned there was no time for me to shop at the usual places, even with short delivery times.

So I activated my network of thrift shops in Saratoga Springs, Bennington,  Schuylerville, N.Y, and Manchester, Vt. They have never failed me, and didn’t this time. The Second Hand Rose seemed the best bet.

First, I asked Maria to come and help, and she graciously did, and we tried Wal-Mart, which had none of the things we needed.

I knew Peggie would need a wind-breaker for an ocean cruise, she has plenty of T-shirts and summer clothes.

At Second Hand Rose in Bennington, we found a windbreaker big enough and in good shape. We also found a pink travel/shoulder bag that Peggie could use for documents, medicine and souvenirs.

I had the idea that we ought to get Peggie a colorful necklace, she loves to dance (I have seen her dance on our boat cruises, she is a maniac) , and  she will surely be dancing in Cuba, knowing Peggie.

Sue, working at the Second Hand Rose, donated great old necklace, she wouldn’t take any money for it.

I’m proud of Peggie for going, many of the Mansion residents understandably turn down even the shortest outings, it isn’t laziness, it’s fear of falling or getting sick. Peggie has a long list of serious health problems, but she never lets them interfere with life.

The clothes for Peggie cost $27, there is a lot to be said for Thrift Stores, and we got some great stuff.

This afternoon, we brought it over to Peggie and she tried everything on.

Her suitcase is packed, she has a good jacket, and all of her medical documents. She is ready to go. She’s being picked up in the morning early, driven to Albany, she’ll fly to Miami and get on a big boat to Cuba.

This is the thrill of a lifetime for Peggie, she talks all the time about going on cruises, but they don’t seem to materialize. This one is for real. It was a thrill and gift to help her take this trip, I can’t wait to hear her stories when she returns.

And this is what it is about, filling the holes in the lives of people, small acts of great kindness. Thanks for making it possible.


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