12 October

Ruth’s Pin-Up Pose. The Mansion

by Jon Katz
Ruth’s Pin-Up Pose

Ruth’s husband Ken died a couple of weeks ago and the Mansion had a memorial service for him last week. Ruth asked if I would take a photo for her room, and I had one printed out and brought it to her tonight.

Ruth is grieving for Ken, they were inseparable, but she has a wondrous sense of humor and when she came down the stairs, she decided to pose for me, she calls it her pin-up pose.

Ruth is brave, I know how much she misses Ken, but she loves the Mansion and has made many friends there. She calls Peggie..”Ma…”

I found out that Ruth is in great need of some winter clothes, especially  a bathrobe and some nightgowns. I found some tonight and I’ll get them to her on Monday or Tuesday. (I have what she needs).  The cold is coming.

This is the stuff I love, when I can get small things that make a huge difference. I have become a whiz at buying personal and intimate garments for women. That doesn’t sound quite right, but it’s true.

Thanks for your contributions: Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Just mark the payment “The Mansion” and thanks. Contributions large and small are welcome. We keep it small.

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