I told Red to “come bye,” that is, run clockwise around the sheep, and was startled to see that he had company. Bud ran the entire outrun right alongside of Red, keeping up with him, looking every bit like a champion herding dog.
Bud moves fast and doesn’t tire, and it is a warm day, the kind of day Boston Terriers aren’t supposed to like. Bud loves being out in the sun. And he loves to run.
Most border collies wouldn’t like that company while they work, Red didn’t mind at all. Bud amazes me more and more each day as he gets comfortable and reveals himself. He is a very good dog for us.
Wow! Red has a mini me running right along side of him. So cool!:)
I really enjoy reading about your small dog experience . I’m excited to see where Bud takes you on this journey.