Bud definitely has some herding moves. I’m taking him out to pasture with Fate and Red two or three times a day and he is surprising me with his strong herding instinct. He does natural outruns around the sheep, he keeps his distance and does not rattle or frighten the sheep in any way.
I’m taking this slowly, one step at a time. While Bud is very interested in the sheep, they seem mostly disinterested in him, and I have not yet seem him try to move them or succeed in that.
I work with him for only a few minutes, then leash him up. He loves to run with Fate and Red, and then settles down and sniffs around the field. Unlike the border collies, herding is not his life, it is just one thing in his life.
But I don’t want him getting too excited out there, three intense dogs can rattle the sheep if the sense it is out of control. The sheep are used to Red, who is calm and professional.
I think Bud is going through a delayed puppy period.
He dumped on the bathroom floor last night, and he was caught chewing on Maria’s shows, then mind. I’m sure the Open House rattled him, he seems more himself this morning.