I am forever in awe of the adaptability of dogs, and the great value of learning to communicate with them. Bud acts as if he has been here for years, he hasĀ found his place here.
He loves Red, and Fate is slowly learning to accept him, and sometimes, even play with him. He is a strong dog, a dominant dog, sometimes terrified of new sounds and sights, sometimes fearless and confident.
He is a very affectionate dog, and loves to sit in my lap and get his head stroked. He is becoming less aggressive around food, he is learning that he will get fed, every day.
He still has accidents in the house, they are becoming less frequent.
He is no longer marking table legs.
He has discovered the chewing pleasure of firm American rawhide.
He seems to have bonded with me, and also with Maria.
He is not afraid of people, only sudden moves made towards him.
He has great potential as a therapy dog, he is calm and steady and comfortable with strangers.
He is, like most Boston Terriers, a character, filled with ego and personality.
Yet there is also the fragility of the mistreated dog, he grows easier by the day, but can be reduced to jelly by a wrong or sudden move.
There is no aggression of any kind in him.