I love this portrait of Becca and Michael, they came to our Open House this weekend, theirs is a story of love and bravery and commitment.
Each was in a bad place before they met online and took a chance on one another. Now, they are in a good place. Michael is recovering from PTSD, Becca will soon start a new career pet-sitting in Maryland and doing her work as a Reiki Master.
It paid off. They are happy married and deeply committed t supporting each other. I have great admiration for people who work hard to get from a bad place to a good place.
These two are heroes to me. So many people whine and complain about their hard lives, few people work to change their lives. Becca and Micheal did and are living lives of purpose and connection.
I guess this is really what the Open Houses are all about – fostering a community of people who care about more than money.
They bravely seek out love, and do the hard work of self-awareness and connection. This could be our Open House poster, for sure. Proud to know them, and very happy to see them at our Open House.
That is, after all, what the Open House is all about.