3 October

Matt: What A Difference A Sweatshirt Makes

by Jon Katz
What A Difference A Sweatshirt Makes

Matt is one of the most interesting residents at the Mansion, and one of the most intelligent people i have met in awhile. I don’t know his story, or even how he came to the Mansion.

He comes to our Bingo games every Friday night, and is the runaway champion, and I know him to be a voracious reader. Matt rarely asks for anything, but he asked the other night if I could help him get a sweatshirt for him.

I ordered two, one black, above, and one cranberry, coming later in the week. This is so important at the Mansion a Medicaid facility. The residents rarely have any extra money on hand.

It’s getting cold up here, and without a sweatshirt, Matt can’t comfortable go on a walk, and walking is important to him for many reasons. This is yet another example of how small acts can yield great kindness.

And this is what we do at the Mansion, we fill the small holes in life. It lifts my heart to walk the hills and see people wearing  sweaters, shoes, pants, hats that we got them. Morgan Jones, the Mansion Director (she is leaving next week for another job, this one in  Saratoga) told me  we had transformed the Mansion with our work.

That was a good thing to hear.

If you wish to contribute to this work, you can send a contribution to me, Jon Katz. P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or donate via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark your payment for “The Mansion.”

It lifts my heart to see Matt walking because of a sweatshirt we got for him.

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