3 October

Joan: She Got Her Music Today: CD Player

by Jon Katz
Joan: She Got Her Music Today

The Mansion maintenance staff installed the new CD player we got Joan. She loves music and in recent months she has become increasingly restless and confused. Music soothes her and settles her.

The Mansion staff asked me if we could help get her a CD player, and of course we did.

Since things in her room tend to get lost or disappear, I got a CD player that attaches to the wall, and it can’t be easily removed. I also got Joan five CD’s ranging from the Beatles to Fleetwood Mac to Willie Nelson.

Tonight, a Mansion aide will put one of the CD’s in the player when Joan goes to sleep, and then come in later to turn it off. This will help her sleep and also to be peaceful, music has a wonderful impact on her.

This was a great day for me, I felt all day I was touching the residents in a modest but meaningful way. Small acts of great kindness that matter. It really only costs pennies to bright a life and bring some comfort to it and a difficult time.

Sometimes, the Mansion residents feel so alone, so left behind. I think we have helped them feel so much better. I am going to sleep happily thinking of Joanie finally with the music she loves so much and misses.

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