In my life, Bud’s first moment of therapy work, especially with Red, would be historic, much more important than a Congressional hearing featuring raging old white men hiding behind a woman. They can’t see it yet, but their time is coming. I think their time is now.
When you enter the Mansion, the dining room is right by the front door, Red and Bud went right there when we entered. Tia, the night aide, was also there, and she was happy to see Red, an old friend, and Bud, a new one.
One of the ways I train my therapy dogs is to reinforce the behaviors that I like, in looks and words. What they most need to learn is that the work is the people, there are no sheep or other distractions for them.
Bud will know that by the end of the week.
Red went to Tia and Bud went to Joan, he looked back at me to make sure this was okay, and then did his work. I was happy to take this first photo of Bud starting out his training for therapy work.
Audio: Bud Comes Home: First Encounter At The Mansion
A small dog experience is a “big” experience especially with a BT. As you know by now, they are happiest when around people. Having had several of them I am very happy that you have gotten acquainted with this breed…they are not like any other small breed. Good luck with the “srinkling” in the house…been there too with a rescue but I am sure you will turn this around very quickly. Have fun with this little guy! He’s a beaut!