I asked last week of there was a laptop for Peggie anywhere out there, and of course, there was. Peggie is one of the most active of the Mansion residents and she loves computer games. Her laptop broke a few months ago and there is no way for her to get a new one.
A blog reader named Kathy e-mailed me right away and wrote “I have a WIndows 8 computer that’s probably about six years old I used it for just a short time when my brother passed away so I took over his Apple computer. That was about four years ago. I’ve been looking to donate the computer, I am no computer buff but I assume it’s in good shape.”
I said it sounded great and Kathy took it to Fedex and is shipped it to me – she wouldn’t take any payment for the computer or the shipping, she is a member of the Army Of Good.
She said it would be arriving tomorrow. I saw Peggie today and almost couldn’t restrain from telling her, but when it comes tomorrow, I’ll rush it right over there. This will greatly enhance her mental stimulation and her life.
Peggie is a very special person, full of love and energy. She has been out ogling one of the construction workers building an addition to the Mansion.
She has an active mind, she loves crossword puzzles and reading and computer games. She also loves letters, you can write her c/o Peggie, The Mansion, 11 S.Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. She also e-mails.
Thanks, Kathy, this is the way in which we fill the holes in people’s lives at the Mansion. I am grateful, and so will Peggie be. I bought her six computer games but she has been unable to use any of them. Her laptop is shot.
This is what we do, small acts of great kindness.