Here’s something for you dog mystics and spiritualists to consider: Bud and Red have precisely the same markings on their bodies. It is eerie how their markings almost completely match one another.
And Bud loves Red, he is already resting his head on Red’s body when he lies down. I think Bud may be a “Doppelganger,” a non biologically related look alike or double of another living thing.
So we have three dogs again, and Bud got his first look at the donkeys today, and they at him. He kept his distance, a wise move. We aren’t letting him into the pasture for months, if at all.
Once the donkeys realize Bud lives here, they will be fine with him, as they are with all of ourĀ other dogs. Until then, they might just regard him as a coyote or intruder.
I’m still shaking my head at how similar Bud and Red are in their color and coats. There has to be some meaning in that.