28 September

Is There A Used (Good) Laptop For Peggie Out There?

by Jon Katz
Laptop For Peggie

Peggie’s laptop computer is old and falling apart she can no longer play most of the computer games she loves to play. I’m trying to find her a used computer in good shape.

I’ll be looking online, for sure, but I thought I would also query the Army Of Good and see if anyone out there has a used computer – not too old – in good shape, one that can handle new computer games.

I will keep looking and I’m sure I’ll find out sooner or later. It has to be in good shape, as getting computers repaired around here is a complex and expensive task.

I can’t afford a new one and neither can Peggie, but there are plenty of relatively new or refurbished laptops around.

I also don’t want a dozen laptops coming into the Mansion, I wouldn’t want to see any wasted. So if anybody has a used computer in good working condition the best thing is to e-mail me – [email protected] – and I can make sure only one is sent.

If nobody has a laptop like that, I will dig into my online searching, I’m sure I will find one that is inexpensive. But the Army Of Good gets first crack.

And thanks: [email protected].

Peggie is one of the Mansion’s most active and exuberant residents. She loves to be busy, she uses her laptop for games and e-mail, and some Web browsing. The Mansion does have wi-fi.


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