I am seeking to embrace a new kind of spirituality.
I trust my vocations – writing, blog, and photography – and I do not permit anyone to undermine them or lead me astray or threaten my identity.
I speak my mind, and I don’t bend over backwards to please my friends or any enemies. I fully accept that my ideas about authenticity and directness are much more likely to lead to isolation and a sense of aloneness than to connection and popularity.
I understand that I am different, and that this is disturbing to many people. My farm and animals and closeness to nature are sacred to me.
I expect to end my life in poverty or close to it, but the tradeoff is that I hope to have learned how to love and to leave behind ideas, images and other gifts have helped to heal, expand, or lift the hearts of others.
The point of the new spirituality for me is that I have a unique vocation that is worth claiming and fighting for and living out faithfully and with conviction.