26 September

Bulletin! Bud Is Coming

by Jon Katz
Bud Is Coming

Great news, Carol Johnson called me from the South Arkansas Veterinary Clinic a little before 5 p.m. to give me the good news: Bud’s Microfilaria test was negative, he is now cleared to come to Brattleboro, Vt. on the big truck on Saturday.

We will be there to pick him up. Dr. Bradshaw got on the phone to say Bud is “healthy in every way,” and was completely clear of heartworm.

“He is a very good dog,” he said, “you’re getting a really good dog.” I love Bud’s demeanor, he has the regal what-me-worry look of the Boston Terrier, and seems at peace with himself.

Bud’s face has real character, Maria and I were very happy to look at him. We have all of Gus’s things still around, and I ordered some special healthy treats for Bud, they arrived today.

I wish I had the original photograph of him, the difference is quite shocking.

I told Carol to tell Bud there will be no more bites of Cinnamon Roll, no more Cashew Brittle, no more Jalepeno Chips. Which isn’t to say he won’t be spoiled rotten as well.

We spoil dogs in different ways, and Fate will love having a little brother to mess with.

I am so grateful to Carol Johnson for the wonderful care she has given Gus, and for helping me navigate the sometimes complex world of animal rescue. She is loving and patient and she really, really cares.

We are friends now, and she is not done with me.  Thanks to all of you for following this journey. I will surely share it, as you know I will.

I am happy to offer some good news today, there is so much bad news pouring in on us. Peace and compassion to all of you.


  1. WooHoo! I am so happy that Bud will joining your family tomorrow! Thank you for sharing this journey……….which will continue, and I’ll look forward to the journey also!
    Susan M

  2. I’m very happy for you, Maria and Bud. I remember well the anticipation of the arrival of our female miniature schnauzer in July 2017. She to came up from the South, the Nashville area. She’s now settled in completely and runs the household. She’s a spry 10 year old who loves to play with her 2 year old brother. They also love to snuggle together.
    I hope that Fate enjoys her new friend.

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