25 September

Sylvie’s Envelopes: Small Acts Of Great Kindness

by Jon Katz
Sylvie’s Envelopes. Sylvie On The Phone

My territory is usually the little things that people need and that they need help in getting. Sylvie is a passionate letter writer, she reads every letter she gets very seriously and struggles to reply to them all. I try to help her.

She told me yesterday  that she needed envelopes and so I brought her some today. Sylvia is the busiest resident in the Mansion, she is always on her cell phone, reading her mail (Sylvie, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816), writing letters, poring over religious texts.

She is one of the most colorful and inventive dressers I know,I love  her scarves and flowing skirts and blouses. And I love supporting her letter writing. She is unique.

Envelopes,  stamps, seasonal clothes are the things I am most asked to buy, by now, I am an expert at women’s shoe and bra and underwear sizes. I have a network of thrift shops that help me.

If you wish to support the Mansion work, we could use your help. You may, if you wish, send a donation to Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark your contributions “The Mansion.” Thanks.

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