Donkeys are smart, and they are independent. But there are some things donkeys cannot do for themselves and one of them – a most important thing – is that they can’t scratch their own ears or forehead.
Donkeys love to have their ears and heads scratched, they are tormented for months by small and large flies who get inside of their ears and onto the area above their eyes and bite them.
Our donkeys have defied every mask we put on them, they are brilliant at removing each other’s masks, even if they have to eat them. This morning, Maria scratched Lulu’s ears and forehead, and Lulu went into a state of bliss, lips quivering, eyes closing.
Lovely words about Gus in today’s post. Your love and your grief came through, and brought tears to my eyes.
Thanks for the days you make me smile, reading Bedlam Farm’s daily post. It and my coffee line out my day in a good way.
t Vaughn